Diane Kent

Diane Kent


Artist Name

My Waterworks Artists group exhibition titled Realism to Abstraction and Abstraction to Realism was the origin of my focus of changing to nonrepresentational. I first pursued an abstracted composition with paper collage and watercolor mediums. This led to what I now pursue — the painting of broad geometric shapes. The smooth application of acrylic paint is fitting for the broad geometric shapes in my compositions.

For the creation of my geometrical art, I use an approach that I personally developed. It involves reworking drawings from completed paintings. I rearrange, enlarge and reduce the shapes into a totally new design and then trace the new onto wrapped canvas. New ideas about expanding this method continue.

By nature, I am a creative person, whether it be in the kitchen, at the table producing beaded jewelry or in the art studio. The challenge of generating the next piece is what inspires me to continue painting a distinct and recognizable work of art. My goal is to have the viewer’s eye drawn into the painting, captivated by the unique composition of shape, color and movement. I want the art audience to be anxious to move onto view the next one hanging on the wall, and to find the one that enamors them the most.