Kelli Goble

About the Artist

I started Creative Art Room years ago when I became an art docent for special education classes for my adopted son. I modified lessons to better teach to each individual child, with an an engaging teaching style.  I loved the environment so much that I pursued my teaching credentials and a Masters in Art. After receiving my credentials, I taught for nearly 10 years, inspiring 750 kids to love art and channel their creativity.

My creativity was inspired by my many interests, especially photography.  Photography allowed for me to capture meaningful moments and memories.  I captured weddings, family photographs, and newborn shots.  I am imaginative and love highlighting personal, small details that others may miss with skills embedding emotion into everything I do. 

After moving to Arizona from California in 2021, I wanted to continue to grow and discover my style. I sew, knit, crochet, create art with pottery and glass, watercolor, and utilize mixed media acrylic projects. I have a minor in computer graphics and came from the tech industry.  I love getting the opportunity to be inventive when creating logos or signage for companies. It’s an inherently rewarding art form and getting the experience to see your art being the thing that draws in people. 

Creativity has been a constant passion and love of mine. I also love sharing my dedication for art on social media platforms such as YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram. I share my knowledge to help inspire other teachers and families looking for new ways to be creative.

I’ve been inspired by the beautiful Arizona landscape. Exploring the Grand Canyon state’s natural wonders, parks, and gardens has allowed me to discover new things about my style and how I want to express myself in my art.

When I’m not exploring, I enjoy rescuing antique furniture and giving unusual pieces a new life as a way to challenge myself to always seek innovation. I also look to reuse and recycle different mediums to incorporate sustainability into my art. One project I designed, called “litter bugs”, incorporated plastic material meant to be thrown away and was revitalized into bugs created for the Poet Christian middle school garden. The litter bugs were even displayed in the annual Downtown Art Walk in Tracy, California.  Art does not have to be expensive or difficult to start. Just like my students became artists with recycled material, anyone can become an artist with their own unique medium or style. 

I am now teaching smaller community classes to children and adults. My art lesson plans involve fields related to science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM).  I find purpose inspiring imagination and confidence in children with art. I’ve worked with kids as young as 20 months old, encouraging parents to allow them to explore art, leading to better fine motor skills that lead to more brain connections. 

I am currently working on writing and illustrating a series of childrens books full of crazy, silly, insanely fun, cute monsters, that I am excited to soon share. I hope my art brings a sense of wonder and imagination to life as art has become a wonderful, impactful part of my daily life.

Since COVID, I feel that now is more vital than ever to be sharing different outlets for creativity. Whether it’s to try something new, push ourselves out of our comfort zone, or work through life’s many trials, art is an avenue I will continue to provide. I’ve loved every minute, and I will continue to inspire creatively. I am honored to be a part of Ground Floor Artists collaborative group.