Linda Bergeron

Linda Bergeron


Linda’s passion for art began at a very young age; in the midwest, where she was born and raised.

After studying abroad, years of travel, employment, and living on both coasts; she eventually put down roots in the Pacific Northwest. There, she painted professionally and taught art to high school students for three decades. Recently turning a new chapter, Linda retired, and now snowbirding has landed her here in sunny Arizona.

Her creativity is inspired by capturing nature’s beauty and life experiences. She paints with emotive imagery and fearless stamina in a dream state, leaving behind preconceived notions. Engaging with color’s voice, navigating her way towards truth; Linda strikes balance between light and dark, subconscious and conscious and dances on the line between ambiguity and clarity. Her brush strokes morph into compelling colors until the canvas no longer yearns for attention.

She capitalizes on the uncomfortable interaction of high contrast, bold textures, color, reflective materials and endless layers that deeply transcend a multitude of perspectives. The intimate dialog that emanates from these perspectives is what continually feeds her unyielding determination to paint.

BA in Fine Art and Communications MACI University of St. Thomas
Artist Trusts Edge program, Seattle WA

"We must remain as close to the flowers, grass, and the butterflies as the child is who is not yet so much taller than they." — Friedrich Nietzsche


Cyndi Hamilton

Cyndi Hamilton 


I have a background in interior design and I'm passionate about pottery.